Animal Chiropractic
Chiropractic is a natural therapy that appeals to the body's self-healing ability, it works the same for humans and animals.
The object of chiropractic is the detection, correction and prevention of problems affecting the spine and the nervous system.
The main difference between chiropractic for animals and humans is the anatomy. The principle remain the same: Perform specific adjustments to the spine to optimise the function and integrity of the nervous system. This allows the entire body, muscles, joints and organs to function optimally.
When the spine and nervous system are properly adjusted and well balanced, not only does pain and other symptoms often stop, but performance and overall well-being also increase.
Chiropractic is suitable for all animals of all ages and fitness levels.
More information about animal chiropractic can be found on the International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic's website.

Some benefits of chiropractic
Promotes mobility
Improves performance
Reduces pain
Brings the body back into balance
Ensures faster recovery after injury or surgery
Prevents future injuries
Promotes control of the nervous system (including muscles, organs and blood vessels)

Indications and conditions
Difficulty walking
Neck or back pain
Osteoarthritis or spondylosis
After a trauma
Stuck jaw (and therefore unable to eat)
Hypersensitivity to touch
Change in behavior

Chiropractic for people
If you want to learn more about what chiropractic can do for you or if you wish to make an appointment for yourself, visit Optimum's website by clicking on the logo below.